Wood Sculptures
Shape consistently directs the composition as well as the use of color. Each color is thought through before it is placed on the surface. How the color reacts to those colors beside it and those around it, is strongly considered. Sometimes the color I am going to use will surface from a book, a magazine, a photo, or postcard. I’m never sure where the color will appear.
There is a calmness that comes over me as I begin to paint. Shape, and colors flood my thoughts. They are the stuff that directs me.
Into the Rabbit Hole!
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
No one can hit the target with their eyes closed! (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
When You Let Yourself Be in the Eye of the Storm, You Miss Slot of Scenery!
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Call Me Butter! I’m on a Roll! (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
If You Dress in Western Clothes, Are You Ranch Dressing?
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Happiness Is an Inside Job!
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
My Moods Just Don’t Bounce, They Pivot, Recoil, Oscillate, and Sometimes Pirouette! (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
A Polka Dot by Itself Is Really Just a Dot With No One to Polka With!
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Too Many Balls in the Air! (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
3 in the Air: Midnight (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Hiccups! (SOLD)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Goosebumps1 (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
3 in the Air: Paris (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Over Easy (Sold)
15″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Guess I’ll Go Eat Worms (Sold)
15″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Celebrate (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Pattern 2 (Sold)
14″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Twisting, Tearing, Tying
14″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Pattern (Sold)
14″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Twisting, Tearing, Tying 2 (Sold)
14″ diameter by 5 1/2″
Wood & Acrylic
Red Rover, Red Rover (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Hide & Seek (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Cheerios (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Pattern 3
14″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Three in the Air
15″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Dancing Pants (NFS)
14.5″ diameter by 7.5 ”
Acrylic on Wood
Escher Black and White (Sold)
14″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Warped (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Legacy (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Arizona Hues
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Coming Undone! (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
All Tied Up!
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5P
Around We Go! (Sold)
17 1/2″ diameter by 5.5″
Sugar and Spice
12″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Flowers for my Mother 1
12″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Flowers for my Mother 2
12″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood
Flowers for my Mother 3
12″ diameter by 4.5″
Acrylic on Wood